Keeping Up the Appearances of a Blog

Life as I have come to know it.

Monday, June 14, 2004

All that you can't leave behind

This weekend I had some much needed girl talk. And I mean good girl talk! Girl talk is something so necessary to my sanity sometimes! I have friends that know me and then I have friends that KNOW me.
I never realized how good I had it in college until the past couple of months. College is the one place where you have girl friends around you 99% of the time. My freshman year I not only inherited a roommate but a hall full of girls, all of us ready to share our stories and become friends. Being an only child I embraced this situation because it was the first time in my life where I had "sisters". I could go to their rooms at anytime and we could talk/hangout for hours. Looking back I don't think I appreciated the significance it had on my life. Now I long sometimes just to be able to walk across the hall and there would be all my best friends in the whole world.
Needless to say, time and distance have kept me from being as close to some of those girls as I would like. The daily grind of life has been substituted for giving them a call and seeing what they are up to. I understand that if I want that closeness now it is going to have to be a constant priority because its not easy anymore to just walk across the hall and talk to them.
I have been doing a lot of thinking lately about the girl friends I have and how overwhelmingly blessed I have been to have them. Each one adds so much value and beauty to my life. I hope that I will continue to strive to be the friend that they need.


At 5:31 PM, Blogger Kari said...

Hey, I had some good girl talk this weekend, too! Imagine that! ;)


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