Keeping Up the Appearances of a Blog

Life as I have come to know it.

Tuesday, June 22, 2004

What's your life's ambition?
For the first time in my life I am interviewing people. Yes silly Shelby is actually being a grown-up and interviewing people for an assistants position. Do I feel incredibly dumb: Yes. Do I feel like I am still 14 again: Yes. For some reason I haven't and probably will never grasp the concept that I am maybe an adult now and have a gasp, career.
I guess the reason I feel so foolish interviewing people is my personal hatred of all interviews, resumes and the whole job search in general. I have been very blessed with my current job situation in that I didn't have to go through an extreme amount of silly interviewing and in my opinion worthless questions about my goals and dreams.
I did attempt about a year and a half ago to go on a job interview for an ad agency. The agency ran out of a lady's house. I guess I didn't really prepare for an interview with the ENTIRE company so I was blown away when I walked up the stairs and there is a desk full of people just ready to hear you answer their horrible questions. For the record I hate those questions like, "where do you see yourself in 10 years?, What are your career goals?, What are your strengths?" Who cares bottom line can you show up on time every day and work?? Yes there are proper answers that you should give and yes 99% of the correct answer will be BS. I know I should have prepared, I know I should have given them what they wanted to hear, instead I was honest, uncomfortable and said the completely wrong things.
After sitting at the head of a table full of ad women for about 30 minutes, I acquired what I like to call dizzy head. I was so tired of talking about my "dreams" my "goals" that I totally didn't even ask them about what the job actually was. So as I was leaving I got to know the women a little better and they seemed less intimidating.
So go to today, I am trying my hardest to not make these people feel intimidated (as if I could ever be that way) or ask them if their life's goals are to be around metal and look at metal and yes love the metal. I am just trying my best and I think my dad said if I tried my best then no one could say I did a bad job.....


At 8:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I dont think there is anyway that I could interview people... I couldnt keep from smiling or laughing... my questions would be the same as yours.. can you be here on time.. will you work once your here.. will you not look at porn on the internet.... simple.. interviews suck.. you never know what they want to hear.. I just try to be funny and or a little witty for 30 minutes.. its always seemed to work for me..

interviewing is NOT my favorite


At 11:24 AM, Blogger shelabee said...

I have decided that anything grown-up is Not my favorite!


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