Keeping Up the Appearances of a Blog

Life as I have come to know it.

Monday, August 21, 2006

I wish the answers were that simple....

So I am in the mood to rant. I love Sunday School because it gives everyone a chance to really discuss issues with a peer group your own age. However yesterday me and my hubby felt kind of like rebel thinkers yesterday and here is why. First of all we had a new couple, yesterday was homecoming at church and apparently the man was a former pasters kid. So my hubby and another girl take turns teaching the lesson, well somehow the visitor guy gets off on a tangent about how basically everything has went to hell in a handbasket since they took prayer out of school....and thus begins my tirade. Me and husband both pretty much feel the same way. It would be great to blame all of our country's problems on one thing but its not that simple. Yes I agree taking prayer out of school probably wasn't such a great idea but it happened. Its time to move on. I went to public schools in a fairly big city. I had Hindu teachers, Jewish teachers and God only knows what other kinds of teachers. Now thinking back do I really want these people teaching anyone about their religious beliefs??? Absolutely not because to me religion is something that should be taught at HOME, its a personal responsibility of parents to make sure that our children know who God is and what Jesus did for us. Its not a school teachers job. And I also get furious when I hear older adults saying that Jesus isn't in public schools anymore. I went to Christian clubs in High School and as far as I know it wasn't that big a deal. And if you are so against public schools and all I hear there is this great new invention called Christian School. I'm sure your child will be safe there. As you can tell I have issues with people who slam public school systems. I want talk about that today.....but I am a huge believer in how public school is the greatest way to prepare kids for the actual kinds of people that live in the real world. That there are other people who gasp, were raised in a different faith and culture.
So back to my rant. I understand we have had school shootings and such since prayer was taken out of school but to me seriously the issue isn't just that. I've read enough news articles and such on the types of students who have performed school shootings and one thing is key, they weren't excepted and were made to feel like outcasts. And the fact that obviously there were some home issues that allowed these kids easy access to guns without their parents really knowing whats going on. I guess my whole point is that I would love to put all the blame on a decision made years ago but I think its more a personal responsibility issue and a moral decline in how we treat others. But sure whatever its that prayer in school thing.....oh and if you are interested no I did not bring up any of this in my Sunday School class not because I was afraid but because I didn't know if people would understand what I was getting at. And so yes me and my hubby sat there and just listened and then came home and talked about it all. I guess I was scared that people would not be able to do a little thinking outside the box and look at things from another perspective not just the Southern Baptist perspective that you are probably against Jesus if you are against prayer in school.


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