Keeping Up the Appearances of a Blog

Life as I have come to know it.

Monday, January 02, 2006

The best of 2005 ....from my own perspective

Here is the top 10 list of events that made 2005 a good year! (they are in no particular order..)

1. I got married!! October 1st was a great day.
2. I got a new job position which has allowed me to work from home part -time and I love it!
3. We purchased new furniture for our living room and a great pub table for our kitchen from the money we made from working at the farmers market during the spring/summer.
4. Our friends had a baby and he's beautiful!
5. I managed to pull of cooking Christmas brunch for my parents complete with hashbrown casserole and baked apples and it was actually delicious!
6. We had a big estate sale with my grandparents household and from that money we were able to pay for a lot of wedding expenses. It was also a really good bonding time for my aunt and my cousin whom I don't get to see very often.
7. I started drinking coffee!! Its about time don't you think?!
8. We went on our first official vacation as husband and wife to Myrtle Beach for the weekend and we shopped!
9. At the beginning of 2005 I took my first ever sick day because I had a terrible ear infection which ruined new years.
10. We watched "It's a wonderful life" together and realized thats what we've got.

Happy New Year!!


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