Keeping Up the Appearances of a Blog

Life as I have come to know it.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

"Long live Southern Literature"

This is what was on a little note from my Dad this morning. Shelby Foote the Civil War author and the person whom I was named after died yesterday and thus the reasoning behind my father's statement. My dad was a history major and is a former US history teacher so you can imagine the kind of childhood I had. His passion was the Civil War and on every family vacation it was not uncommon for me and my mother to feel like his students. He loved Shelby Foote's writing style. As a child I would become weary of all my Dad's stories, you couldn't ask him anything without having to listen to a 15 minute history of the event. But now I rather admire my Dad for all his history knowledge and have even decided to read some history books. Maybe even some Shelby Foote, just for Dad.


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