Keeping Up the Appearances of a Blog

Life as I have come to know it.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

K.I.T. over the summer.....

Remember all those lame things you used to write in people's yearbooks?? I was thinking the other day that I really really wished this saying was true. There are a lot of friends of mine out there who I haven't spoken to since my wedding and that makes me sad. And I'm partly to blame because I have two hands and free long distance and a car in which to get a hold of these people who mean a lot to me and I haven't. And its not because I'm busy, that is not even an excuse because I do have time. Its like sometimes you let so much time pass by that you feel like it would be really weird of inconvenient if you just called this person out of the blue. But if they would call me I would think none of those things so I should probably swallow my pride and just call them. 99% of the time you pick right back up where you left off and remember just why you were friends with them in the first place. Then your mind starts going what if there is a reason you haven't heard from them in so long?? What if they don't want to hear from you?? But I'm seriously going to K.I.T. this summer rather people want to hear from me or not because I really want these people to know that I think about them a lot and still really really care about them. And maybe just maybe we could become B.F.F. once again....


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