Keeping Up the Appearances of a Blog

Life as I have come to know it.

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

"Get in Shape Girl"

I have really been on a fitness kick. I am trying super hard to get back in shape for my vacation which means bathing suits and photos that will last a lifetime. So this morning I did something horrid. I woke up at 5:55 am and went for a run in the dark. I thought I could do it, I really thought when that alarm went off I would jump for joy and say yes, I would love to go run. What actually happened was me looking at the time, then asking myself if this was really something I wanted to do. So I made my body get up and put on running clothes and went outside. In the dark I tried to run and make sense of the fact that my head was still asleep while my feet and legs were moving. I finished at about 6:25 am with sweat running down my face and a feeling that yes I had worked out today but it wasn't very pretty. I think my run was more like a quick walk. My walk more like a senior citizen at Wal-mart.

I do actually feel a bit more "fit" today but my mind is still asleep in the bed. Ask me if I'll ever wake up again and try to run again.....I don't think its my calling.

On a side note does anyone remember the get in shape girls? When I was like 7 or 8 it was like fitness clothes, mainly leg warmers and weights for girls. They were either pink or purple and came with a tape to play with good old 80's style music. Now if I had my pink legwarmers I think I could run 24 hours a day with straight up confidence!
