"Those were the best days of my life"
Today it is pouring rain out and its not going to stop until like Saturday. There are two hurricanes scheduled to dump massive amounts of rain on us and it looks like the next two days will be spent inside. When I was in college I loved days like this probably because I could actually sit around for hours during the day and enjoy the rainy weather. I like to be a hermit sometimes.
I started reading this book by Erik Larson about the hurricane that killed over 6,000 people in Galveston Texas in 1900. It has got me a little pre-occupied with how weather really affects life's little moments. It even makes moments magical at times. My grandmother's funeral was magical. I say that only because it was in the mountains at this beautiful old white country church. As we were walking out to the gravesite it started snowing and the ground was covered in a nice blanket of snow. As the preacher finished praying, the sun peeked out just for a second as if Grandma was saying its going to be ok. Then it continued to gently snow the remainder of the day. It just fit the mood of the whole funeral to be snowing that day. I was cold and sad but around so many people I love who would huddle around you to keep you warm. I will never forget that day for as long as I live.
I can also remember my first night in the dorms at UNCG when the heat almost made me go batty and think what have I got myself into? Our dorm room was on the third floor of this old dorm built in I think the 1920's. No air condition allowed unless you had a "doctors" note. Needless to say in August it was like 98 degrees and after moving two car loads full of essential goods up three flights of stairs everyone was drenched. That first night we set up our fans in the window and slept on top of our covers because our room was like a sauna! If it had been cold, I don't think it would have been nearly as much fun!
Maybe its because my parents love to talk weather or maybe its just because of this book I'm reading but I feel a career in being a weather girl coming on!