"You can do magic.."
This past weekend I realized two essential truths about my personal likes/dislikes:
1. I HATE clowns.
2. I am not very fond of magicians.
I have been involved with the puppet team at my church since I was about 10 years old. Now I am the co-leader and its something I really enjoy. Well this past weekend I attended a "puppet conference." It was pretty good as usual, giving you and your team ideas that you could take back home. On Saturday afternoon everyone got to see a husband/wife team do "Christian Illusion." Which in my terms is turning cheesy magic into object lessons that focus on God. I thought it was horrible. But I'm no fan. I realize that these people really minister to children and adults with this kind of thing but I just find it dumb. Putting scarves into a hat and pulling out different colors, its all just silly to me. Now as I was explaining to someone that I didn't like magic or magic tricks and that I didn't like CLOWNS the guy on the stage pulled out a scarf with you guessed it, a big clown head on it!! I about freaked out.
Now I have heard of people who are legitimately scared of clowns for whatever reasons. If they've ever watched "It" I would understand why. Its not that I'm scared of clowns, I just don't understand their purpose. They have never made me laugh or even snicker and usually you can find them bugging the life out of someone at a fair trying to make them a balloon animal!
I just have never appreciated their role in children's entertainment. I would be happy the rest of my life if I never had to look at a clown again!!
So beware clowns out there, do not come near me. And magicians if you ever call me up on the stage, you had better seriously cut me in half!