Keeping Up the Appearances of a Blog

Life as I have come to know it.

Friday, August 12, 2005

Crusin' in my 5.0.....

Did I just quote Vanilla Ice??? I think I did! Anyways, my neighbor across the street is selling a Honda Civic coupe and yesterday afternoon I saw a dad and mom and teenage daughter looking at it and talking to my neighbor. I got really sad and sentamental for a moment remembering the happy times I had in my first car. It was a 1989 Honda Prelude, white, sunroof and the best cassete player money can buy.
I had went on a missions trip the summer after my junior year of high school and when my parents came to pick me up at the airport they suprised me with my car. It was the best feeling ever, too bad I was exhausted and didn't get to drive home! But the next day I couldn't believe my luck at my pretty new wheels. I drove everywhere in that little car and I still miss it. There was just something about that new found freedom of being able to drive alone and play your own music and sing to your hearts desire without a parent figure in the car.
So I hope that girl bought the car and is at this moment listening to a great girlie song with her sunroof down thinking about how good life is.

PS-Honda's make excellent first girl cars! I still own one!
