Keeping Up the Appearances of a Blog

Life as I have come to know it.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005


Ah yes its that wonderful time of year called spring. The trees are budding, the flowers blooming and there is wonderful easter candy all in the stores! I have a confession to make: I love Cadbury eggs. I know they gross out half the population but there has to be at least one other fan because the drug stores are packed with them. And my other guilty pleasure is Peeps. Easter is never the same until I have had at least a pack of those wonderful marshmallowy sugary goodness in my mouth. And don't try to be all creative and branch out into bunnies and sorts, just give me the birds only! I am such an Easter candy lover its pathetic. I seriously love Easter candy far more than any other holiday candy.

On to my next "love" of spring. The wonderous odor that fills my lungs when walking outside because of the foilage of one particular tree. The Bradford Pear tree emits what I like to call a "fish" odor when the leaves start to rot. The horror all began my freshman year in college at UNCG when the campus streets were lined with them. Since our dorm had no AC the window was always open and that horrid ghastly smell would float into our room and make me sick. Then you had to smell it as you walked to class and it was especially fragrant right after a good afternoon thunderstorm. So I have declared that no matter how pretty they might look I will never ever ever put one of these trees in my yard. Save the world one more odor.

See, candy and fishy smells are all I need to know that spring is here!
