Scary but kind of cute....My mother since she has retired from teaching school has become little miss fashion diva. She owns like 200 pairs of shoes and has a purse and jewelry for all of her outfits. And she's pretty daring as far as colors and prints and actually she looks pretty darn cute most of the time!! I'm really proud of her wardrobe now without all the teacher pins and boring pantsuits she used to wear everyday. Well I had a great gift certificate to the mall and I decided since I just don't own enough shoes (umm thats a huge lie) to go into the Liz Claiborne shoe outlet. I saw these heels with a peep-toe that had a floral tapestry type print on them. The print was like pink and a pretty spring green and the heel and strap were done in dark brown. These are totally a shoe I would picture my mother wearing. I loved them on my feet and got them. I saw my mom on Saturday and was telling her about my new shoes, how much they reminded me of her and she jumps up and goes into her closet and proceeds to pull out the EXACT pair of shoes that I just bought. Apparently she loved them too!! Is that wild or what?? It got me thinking about how much I love my mom for the fact that she loves shoes almost as much as I do. Too bad we're not the same size or we'd both be in trouble!!
K.I.T. over the summer.....Remember all those lame things you used to write in people's yearbooks?? I was thinking the other day that I really really wished this saying was true. There are a lot of friends of mine out there who I haven't spoken to since my wedding and that makes me sad. And I'm partly to blame because I have two hands and free long distance and a car in which to get a hold of these people who mean a lot to me and I haven't. And its not because I'm busy, that is not even an excuse because I do have time. Its like sometimes you let so much time pass by that you feel like it would be really weird of inconvenient if you just called this person out of the blue. But if they would call me I would think none of those things so I should probably swallow my pride and just call them. 99% of the time you pick right back up where you left off and remember just why you were friends with them in the first place. Then your mind starts going what if there is a reason you haven't heard from them in so long?? What if they don't want to hear from you?? But I'm seriously going to K.I.T. this summer rather people want to hear from me or not because I really want these people to know that I think about them a lot and still really really care about them. And maybe just maybe we could become B.F.F. once again....
My note to Honda...can you tell I'm upset???Dear Honda, I used to be your biggest fan. I loved you, even recommended you to friends and family. Now, not so much. Thank you for putting the crappiest sound system known to man in my car that is only 3 years old. Thank you for allowing my cd changer to break and malfunction and because its out of warranty thank you for allowing your customer service reps to be total a-holes to me on the phone and even suggest that I am the one to blame. Thank you for many a lonely trip in to work with stupid radio stations that only play crap and for not allowing me to listen to my cd's. I really appreciate it all..... I'm not bitter about this in any way shape or form, just really really pissed off. Please do me a favor and step up to the plate and fix my sound system instead of suggesting I go replace it with a different kind. And thanks for suggesting this while commenting on how good they normally are, hello you just made no sense. Oh, and my favorite line from one of your service reps,"we don't have many people call about this problem, it happened to my car and I had to have it replaced but you've got to look at it like a part." My resp0nse to this total BS,"so it happened to your car but it doesn't happen a lot, yeah that makes perfect sense." If you would just replace my cd player I would still love you might even buy another one, sans the 6 disc cd player and by the way your customer service reps need some more training....Sincerely, a 2003 Honda Accord driver