Keeping Up the Appearances of a Blog

Life as I have come to know it.

Friday, March 18, 2005

"She needed wide open spaces.."

Last Saturday Jeremy, my dad and me were walking around the woods behind my Grandparents house and I became so sad. Both my Grandparents are deceased now and we are selling their house and property. They have lived in that house for over 65 years and the road their house is on has become so busy and little neighborhoods and apartments are popping up everywhere. But between those complexes there is about 20 acres of just pure woodland. I remember walking around in those woods as a child and helping my dad cut trees and stacking the wood in the back of his pick up truck. I can't believe that in a year it will probably be a tacky neighborhood. But thats the reality of the world I live in now. People don't farm and need 100 acres of land to survive. I never lived in a neighborhood my whole life, my parents have always had at least 4 acres of land and woods. I know there are many advantages to living in a neighborhood but maybe I'm just weird in saying that I need a big back yard where my kids can play and I need woods to walk around in and explore. I guess marrying Jeremy is perfect because we will have all that. Don't get me wrong I'm the first to admit how much I love going shopping and having easy access to Target but I do get a little sad when I think about how our woods and farmland are being turned into Wal-Marts and cookie-cutter neighborhoods. I just need land I guess and finally in a few months I will have enough to satisfy myself.
