So far this year I have had two colds. One when I got back from Vegas and one for the past couple of days. Now I'm not one to be sick like this and its really making me mad. I was really stressed out last week and didn't get too much sleep and was around my nephews a lot this past weekend who both have colds. Hmm...clearly the answer to my quesiton of why I'm not feeling so hot. But I used to pride myself on being that person who never feels bad and is a real champ, I mean I had perfect attendence in school and have only called in sick for work ONCE in the past 4 years!! So today I am just ready to be done with all this cold stuff!! On a side note my voice is pretty darn sexy, just like Pheobe's on friends!!! But I can promise I will not be searching for used kleenex's after this is all done with to keep that affect!!