Keeping Up the Appearances of a Blog

Life as I have come to know it.

Friday, September 03, 2004

Magic Brownies

Last night for some reason I dreamed about being at a party and making this horrible mixed drink that involved vodka, brownies and chocolate syrup. Sounds lovely right?? The drink actually made me sick in my dream and I woke up this morning feeling nauseous. Its funny how a dream about food can make you physically sick to your stomach!! This is the second time this has ever happened to me. The first time involved McDonalds making a new burger called the Mint Burger. The bun, meat and sides were all mint flavored, and mint colored. This dream made me almost never want McDonalds for about two months.

So no more brownies for me for a good long while.....Seriously nauseous thinking about that God awful drink in my dream last night...time for lunch!!

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

"Cry me a River"

This has been my emotional status today at its peak: at lunch I was at a busy intersection when I saw a turtle crossing the road. I dodged it and it had almost made it to the other side of the road but I don't know if the people behind me saw it.....I felt the tears coming up to my eyes. It was that poor turtle trying to cross a busy highway today that made me completely realize how emotional I was. I know I should have maybe stopped and tried to help him or at least wait until he was finished with his mission across the road but at the time I just didn't think of these things, I simply reacted.

I guess I will never know how on earth you can go to bed one night feeling super and fine and wake up the very next morning feeling like you will either cry or explode at the slightest thing. I am slowly learning that this is something that I have total control over, I can have control over my emotions but sometimes darn it I just want to be sad. Or angry. Or both. And I don't ever want to be that girl that blames all her moods on PMS but yes there are times when that does play a big part in how I feel. Ask any girl, she'll tell you, its not fun or pretty!

Well I sure hope that turtle made it across the road, and I sure hope this funk of a sad feeling I've got will go away....
