Wow a post from me!!
I know its been like 100 years since I've written here. I know, its silly! But seriously I have no excuses except I am doing a lot of adjusting right now and actually I have lots of things to talk about...but for today here is my list for Kari!! (who has made me realize I need to write more!)
Seven Things to Do Before I Die (Lord willing):
1. Make all my Grandmothers recipes
2. Have kids
3. Learn to make mosaics
4. Travel across the US
5. Travel somewhere out of the US
6.Learn how to sew better and actually make things.
7. Go skiing!! (I know so sad I've never ever been!)
Seven Things I Cannot Do:
1. touch my tongue to my nose!
2. climb up anything really tall (I'm really afraid of heights)
3. yoga (I have tried it, its just not for me)
4. cook like my grandma
5. be in the heat and be pleasant
6. see people being rude to service employees
7. paint my nails! (I'm really bad at it!!)
Seven Things that Attract Me to My Spouse [romantic interest, best friend, whomever](not necessarily in this order!):
1. The way he makes me laugh
2. How he knows how to fix every blooming thing known to man!
3. The way he cares for others and treats others with such respect and love
4. How he makes really stinky sandwiches such as sardines and sour kraut!!!
5. How he gets fired up and passionate about things that are important and silly!!
6. How cute he is when he falls asleep on the couch
7. How he respects what I say and really listens to me
Seven Things I Say (or write!) Most Often:
1. “thank you thank you"
2. “I need a price on....”
3. “umm”
4. “Jerome”
5. “its me”
6. “love you”
7. “huh”
Seven Books (or series) I Love:
1. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
2. The diary of Bridget Jones
3. To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
4. The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsley
5. Any of the What Not to Wear books by the British girls (I know really serious literature)
6. Mansfield Park by Jane Austen
7. Can I say I have become addicted to reading cook books?? Any of them, I really love them all!
Seven Movies I Would Watch Over and Over Again:
1. Pretty in Pink
2. You've got mail
3. 16 candles
4. The Pride and Prejudice miniseries
5. Serendipity
6. My six loves (it's this old Debbie Reynolds movie that I love)
7. National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation (I'm so addicted to this movie its crazy)
Seven People I Want to Join in:
Gosh, um Jeremy, and anyone else who actually reads this!!